JW Player Plugin Advanced

2 years 2 months ago #8398 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 4.26.0 :

^ Upgrade to JW Player 8.26.2

+ General Improvements

    Enables Google SEO Optimization with generateSEOMetadata button
    We have revamped our old Chapter UI to a more modern look.
    Added better error handling for Buffer Append errors in HLS.
    Added support for our player plugin code to recognize URL query string parameters/variables.
    We now expose more metadata from ID3 tags
    We have updated and refined our UX for the floating player to comply better with Google s policy.
    Added support for CMAF DRM streams.
^ Updates

    Updated our Shaka dependency to v4.2.1.
    Updated our HLS.js dependency to v.1.2.1.
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1 year 6 months ago #8429 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 4.27.0 :

^ Upgrade to JW Player 8.27.2

New Features

Both HLS and DASH manifests support #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME. See getAbsolutePosition and absolutePositionReady.
Google Analytics 4 is supported.
Our chapter bar redesign has been set as the default view.
Chapter tracks display correctly when using the duration config option.
In-manifest captions appear as intended when the starttime value exceeds 0.
The Outstream player has been updated to play audio-only ads.
The autopause functionality works when floating is set to never.
Caption positioning has been improved.
On desktop, the default floating behavior no longer appears at the top right.
Floating player will now float up (previously only floats down) in portrait mode on mobile.
Picture in Picture (PiP) icon can now appear in the control bar on mobile.
Added a new ad macro for video duration named integer-duration that returns an integer.
Removed the ability to go fullscreen during an ad with the Freewheel plugin.
Updated our HLS.js dependency to version v1.2.9.
Updated the logic of autopause to prevent the autopause event from firing when player would go into floating.
Updated our player element to use classes instead of IDs in some instances to prevent duplicate IDs in the DOM.
Added additional adWarnings when the VMAP schedule is missing schema elements.
Updated our CEA 608 positioning to be centered aligned.
Enabled the ability to resize the player on Tizen.
Investigated and added the aria attribute to wherever it may have been missing.
FreeWheel global parameters (afid, sfid, vcid) can now be passed into the ad request through the Freewheel plugin.
You can append additional FreeWheel MRM ad server capabilities to the flag parameter and pass them in the ad request through the Freewheel plugin.

# Fix preg_match in jwplayer key with preg_grep
# Fix popup modal error with J4, fallback if asked to bootstrap
# Fix popup bootstrap error with J4, Bootstrap had introduced a prefix in these data attributes

! Tested with PHP 8.0.15, PHP 8.1.2 and Joomla 4.3.2
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1 year 3 months ago #8433 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 4.29.0 :

! Extension jump directly from 4.27 to 4.29

^ Upgrade to JW Player 8.29.0

With the rollout of JW 8.29.0, we're continuing our journey of enhancing user experience. This release focuses on updating the OMID version and ensuring better accessibility with ARIA labels. We've also deprecated player configurations and addressed a bug concerning caption update intervals.

New Features

OMID has been upgraded to version 1.4.2.
For a more accessible user interface, ARIA labels have been incorporated into the float bar icon.

Bug Fix

The minimumUpdatePeriod value now consistently dictates the frequency of caption updates in the player.


The trackerName and useUniversalAnalytics player configurations have been deprecated since Google dropped support for Universal Analytics on 1 July 2023.

With the release of JW 8.28.0, new features include adding a showAdMarkers property for ad display control, improvements to playlist filtering (except when doNotTrack is enabled), and new accessibility shortcuts in JWP. Bug fixes address video resizing in Safari and a Freewheel capability flags issue.
New Features

HLS.js (hlsjs) has been updated to ver. 1.4.10.
A new property called showAdMarkers has been added to the timeSlider configuration object, allowing ad markers to be displayed or removing them and introducing a new ad countdown element that appears 5 seconds before a mid-roll (as shown in the release note image above).
The source asset has been filtered out of the Recommended playlists. If doNotTrack is enabled in the browser, no filtering occurs.
JWP supports new accessibility keyboard shortcuts to increase caption size (+) and decrease caption size (-).

Bug Fixes

Videos display correctly resized on both desktop and mobile versions of Safari.
An issue related to properly adding custom capability flags for Freewheel has been addressed.
When using setFloating, the float functionality now works during ad breaks.
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1 year 4 weeks ago #8437 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 4.30.0 :

+ Support Joomla 5

+ Support PHP 8.2

^ Upgrade to JW Player 8.30.1

+ JW 8.30 introduces a new event, adRequestedContentResume, and addresses styled captions on Tizen.
+ New Feature

A new event (adRequestedContentResume) has been added when the ad client requests content playback.

# Bug Fix

On Tizen, styled captions now display properly.
Dependencies now load seamlessly when the player is embedded within a srcdoc attribute.
The GA4 configuration value sendEnhancedEvents=true operates without causing type errors.
Embedded DASH subtitles display fully and correctly for all streams.
The Freewheel configuration's adManagerURL consistently loads the appropriate URL.
The skipAdBreak functionality now reliably triggers adSkipped events as expected.
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10 months 1 week ago #8456 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 4.32.0 :

! Extension jump directly from 4.30 to 4.32

+ Add resume player option, user can quit page and come-back and continue media where he stopped, this feature used cookie.
+ Add js.cookie.min.js

^ Upgrade to JW Player 8.32.1

+ JW 8.32.0 This latest player release ensures continuous visibility of poster images and addresses issues relating to VMAP ad schedule ad breaks and DASH audio selector labels.
+ JW 8.31.0 adds loadAdTag(), deprecates playAd(), and enhances loadAdXml method. Additionally, various bugs have been addressed.

+ New Feature

Poster and thumbnail images persist until content or ads begin playback.
Support has been added for starting ads from VAST payloads with the loadAdXml().
The loadAdTag method replaces the deprecated playAd() .

# Bug Fix

VMAP schedules using the IMA plug-in play all subsequent playlist items with the expected ad breaks.
DASH support now correctly displays labels in the audio selector.
The playAd method now correctly triggers adBreakStart and adBreakEnd.
Hotspots appear while non-linear ads are displayed.
Enabling generateSEOMetadata allows Google to index video key moments in all cases.
Custom labels populate correctly in the GA4 plugin.
Interactivity no longer causes a black screen for subsequent playlist items.
The player displays companion banners containing script tags.
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5 months 6 days ago #8471 by admin
Replied by admin on topic JW Player Plugin Advanced
Upgrade !!

Changelog JW Player Plugin Advanced 4.34.0 :

! Extension jump directly from 4.32 to 4.34

^ Upgrade to JW Player 8.34.5

+ JW 8.34.0 Player v8.34.5 introduces two new UI/UX features and addresses a player behavior bug, In this release, several FreeWheel and Google PPS fixes have been released, In this release, a new property has been added to the beforePlay event.
+ JW 8.33.0 With JW 8.33.2, we're upgraded the OM SDK, JW 8.33.4 updates the ad loading screen for videos without thumbnails, migrates from the unload event, and fixes several player issues.
+ New Feature

New methods for converting color names and creating DOM elements have been implemented, which improve player performance.
The player now supports localization for the following language: Chinese (Taiwan) (code: zh-tw).
Several FreeWheel and Google PPS fixes have been released.
The beforePlay event now contains the state property that indicates the play state.
The display of the ad loading screen has been updated for videos without thumbnails.
The system has migrated from using the unload event.
OM SDK has been upgraded to version 1.4.12

# Bug Fix

Autopause and pause behaviors are now respected when the player is not viewable.
The FreeWheel Plugin correctly sets the mode to ad request when the stream is live.
Mute and unmute behavior in FreeWheel ad pods is now reflected correctly.
Google Publisher Provided Signals (PPS) values are sent and encoded properly.
skipAdBreak works for VPAID ads in the VAST client.
The window border now displays correctly for Tizen captions.
DASH subtitles with multiple rows in a single cue display correctly.
The DASH audio track menu will correctly play the selected track.
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