1. Copyright and disclaimer --------------------------- This application is opensource software released under the GPL. Please see source code and the JoomlaRuleZ! License Guidelines http://www.joomlarulez.com/joomlarulez-license.html 2. Changelog ------------ This is a non-exhaustive (but still near complete) changelog for BotR Plugin Advanced 2.1.0, including beta and release candidate versions. Our thanks to all those people who've contributed bug reports and code fixes. Legend: * -> Security Fix # -> Bug Fix $ -> Language fix or change + -> Addition ^ -> Change - -> Removed ! -> Note -------------------- BotR Plugin Advanced 2.1.0 07 June 2014 ------------------ + Valid Strict Standards in PHP. + Valid BOTR migration to JW 6. + Add Joomla 3.3 support. + Add https support. -------------------- BotR Plugin Advanced 2.0.0 18 January 2013 ------------------ + Add Joomla 3.0 support. + Extension use install.script.php for installing extension in J1.6, J1.7, J2.5 and J3.0 config, the xml config file is now different from the 1.5 version but the package is still cross-platform. -------------------- BotR Plugin Advanced 1.0.0 06 February 2012 ------------------ + Added Joomla 1.6, 1.7 and 2.5 Support. + Add English Langage ini files. + Add CHANGELOG.php, CREDITS.php and LICENSE.php to be conform with Joomla and JED requirement. + Add {bitsontherun} tag support, this to be more in Joomla spirit. # Fixed notice error when no player is set. -------------------- joomla-botr 0.0.2 2010 ------------------ Fixed bug that caused post titles and links to disappear. -------------------- joomla-botr 0.0.1 2010 ------------------ Initial release.